A dreamcatcher with a spider at the center, surrounded by six feathers. A large piece of obsidian sits below.

The zodiacal sign of Aquarius is the sign of society, culture and of the others all connected in what we refer to as the Collective. This collective is found in consciousness, the physical organized world, and in our hearts. In the human experience of each other. Consciousness is a foundational element to the Universe as a whole field or fabric. Matter and life are woven in the network or web of it all. In the tarot, The Universe card of the major arcana is correlative to Saturn the planet and to the element of the manifestation of matter. Earth. It contains the end, the beginning and everything therein, or at least that is how we seem to experience being here.

The Web

Right now, the people of earth have created what is collectively known as the World Wide Web with the advent of the Internet. Most of us are at least familiar with it. Most of us also use it every single day of our lives or nearly. All of us are affected by its field. It has permeated the whole earth. This affects the natural magnetic electric field around our planet. We have altered and polluted the element of Fire for the whole planet. So, we are at a real crossroads. How do we discuss such things and in which ways is society moving? As always, it is and will be a mixed experience.

The Sun and Priestess tarot cards together in a sacred bowl. A bronze lion bust positioned beneath them.

What kinds of World Wide Webs have been created, noticed, sung about, utilized, embraced or fallen away? Grandmother Spider. Anansi. Arachne. So many spider stories full of lessons, tragedies, making the best of who we are and what our circumstances may be! So many small gods and tricksters who hand us our lessons! We are a part of it all. We all have a part to play just like our ancestors and the descendants. And yet we are a collective of localized particles in the whole fabric of life.

What kind of world do we want to participate in? One where we fundamentally view all life as connected in relationship in which we consider the other as ourselves? We could each be the other, be one another. A world where we give back to the other or one in which taking is the general mindset? Taking, disconnection and objectification are currents running through the web, currently.

A Look Into the Future

Pluto in the placement of Aquarius offers us a deep and disturbing look at the human collective. The power structures–How power works and what authorities we believe in and why.

How do we give away our own authority? What “content” is being made on the Internet and why? What systems have we known in the human collective? Feudalism, capitalism, authoritative communism, market systems. Also, collective growing and trading, bartering, cooperative management and work distribution.

What can we try in the future? A system where all work is equally valued and paid and respected? What would that look like in parts of the world? To the journey of the next twenty years in the World Wide Web! May we find peace and simplicity!

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