The Taurus Card Sequence in the Minor Arcana
The suit of pentacles (also known as disks) in the minor arcana of the tarot can be thought of as the least sexy or least exciting of the elemental suits. The physical world of work, resources, value, the body and all of its states and challenges, as well as pleasure is discussed in Pentacles. But for some few of us, maybe the more earthy types, we can gain a lot of gratification by studying these cards and getting messages regarding the all important physical world.
These cards contain the pragmatic down-to-earth lessons, knowledge, and wisdom that are special aspects of incarnation. Life on Earth is a journey and a destination.
Decans and Signs
To better understand how we associate astrology and tarot we will be looking at the minor arcana. There are 36 cards (twos through tens of each suit) that correlate to the 36 decans of the zodiacal wheel. Decans are ten degree sections: The first decan is 0-10 degrees of a sign, the second decan is 11-20 degrees and the last decan is 21-30 degrees for a total 36 segments (12 x 3).
There are seven classical planets/luminaries in the ancient world. And starting from Mars in Aries (associated with the Two of Wands), we start the wheel. The order is counting from the slowest moving planet in the sky as seen from Earth to the fastest: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon.
And the 2,3,4’s of a suit are the cardinal sign of the element, the 5,6,7’s are the fixed sign, and the 8,9,10’s are the mutable sign.
For this article, we will discuss:
- 5 of Pentacles: Worry (Mercury in Taurus)
- 6 of Pentacles: Success (Moon in Taurus)
- 7 of Pentacles: Failure or Success Unfulfilled (Saturn in Taurus)
5 of Disks: Worry
This card is traditionally titled Worry, associated with the first decan of Taurus: Mercury in Taurus. This is where the dynamic facts of materiality come into contact with the Mercurial nature of the mind and thought. In other words, anxiety about physical or material matters. Nobody wants to see this in a reading, but we often go for readings when we have anxiety to sort out or resolve. This can be about jobs, money, resources, rethinking how we work with value.
One marvelous and potentially debilitating thing about Mercury is that it carries the energy of the thinking mind. We can make or break our own issues with our thoughts!
We need to think about things in order to solve problems or come to greater realizations. Of course, we have the potential to to use any kind of reasoning or logic to get into or out of a pickle! Thinking is one of our most abundant natural resources. Anyone can come into worry at many points in their life about the material world, no matter the circumstances of our birth. And we all share this planet. Besides ourselves, we will naturally be concerned about the resources of a great many beings all around us. We are creatures incarnate so systems like economy and how we manage and view life is imperative.
At any point we can experience or feel lack, loss or fear. We can then evaluate whether these feelings have a base in our physical, emotional or psychological safety. We can ask ourselves, “Why are we so worried in the first place?” Are we safe or comfortable or do we just feel generalized loss?
The 5 of Pentacles also follows the classical five pointed configuration of the body-the head, two arms and two feet, spread out like a star. We can experience worry of anxiety specifically over our bodies. Are we heathy? Are we in a healthy environment? Are we well enough to do what we wish or need to do in order to thrive?
6 of Disks: Success
This card is traditionally titled Success, associated with the second decan of Taurus: Moon in Taurus. It is a card of beauty and harmony. It is associated the the Moon in Taurus where the moon is said to be exulted astrologically speaking. Taurus, being overall ruled by Venus, is not only a sign of resources but also of earthly beauty and love.
The moon is comfortable with all of the phases of beauty and harmony, as we feel at home in beautiful and harmonious spaces that are well tended. As the second decan of Taurus, success is fully being experienced. We can celebrate and acknowledge the various ways in which something is a success in our lives.
Did we work well and apply useful wisdom and effort? Have we learned from the past and consider what we will need in the future to the best of out foresight? Do we have enough resources in our lives to thrive? This whole calculus works best when we try to live in harmonious relationships with all beings and the web of cause and effect, at the same time allowing for mystery and patience. Fortunately, we can learn to be in and create the best relationships for all involved. This is a central pillar in life for many kinds of success.
We have to be considerate of many factors; recognizing when we need something and then asking others for help when necessary. Of course we also offer help to others so they too may be successful. This creates balance. We can be generous with what resources we have in abundance and request or learn how to have what we are lacking.
7 of Disks: Failure
This card is traditionally titled Failure or Success Unfulfilled, associated with the third decan of Taurus: Saturn in Taurus. Saturn in Taurus reminds us that over the long haul there will be many points of failure or adjustments needed in order to find success next time. By applying work over time, we will be able to learn what we need in order to eventually enjoy the fruits of our skills and effort.
We will be proud only of what we have personally earned, or what others have achieved with their own effort and skill. This card is often difficult to confront in a reading because it may indicate we are in a slump of unmet success. Perhaps we have been trying something for a long time and it is simply not working out.
This can be disheartening, frustrating, angering, or heartbreaking to acknowledge or experience. It is also a prime time to assess the situation, how we got into it, what lessons we have learned and to start planning the necessary changes to get out of it or let it go.
We can then surprise ourselves by realizing we are ready, willing and able to make the appropriate changes in order to rectify our failures. In many ways I like to see this card in a reading because it could be a wake up call. Saturn, like the ideal father figure, reminds us to tend to things over time, to value structure, boundaries, the necessary “No” as a restriction for our own well-being, life lessons, and taking things one step at a time. We must learn from our mistakes and make the proper connections for a better informed future.
Life Lessons from the Earth Element
The four elements are all around us. Whether we are earthy types or not, we all live on Earth and need some good life lessons, skills and celebrations! This world is full of danger and beneficial aspects.
We are born in the middle of all life–it will always be that way and we must make our own way in the world. Let us be careful with and considerate of each other along this journey. Let us look at the past, present and future to make this challenge a lot easier!
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